The ALCF is providing supercomputing and AI resources and capabilities to enable pioneering research at the intersection of simulation, big data analysis, and machine learning.
The ALCF made significant progress in deploying its exascale supercomputer in 2023, completing the hardware installation, registering early performance numbers, and supporting early science teams’ initial runs on the system.
Now that Aurora is fully assembled, ECP and ESP team members are beginning to transition their work to the supercomputer to ready their applications for full system runs. Here are some early performance results on Aurora.
With Argonne’s Nexus effort, the ALCF continues to build off its long history of developing tools and capabilities to accelerate data-intensive science via an Integrated Research Infrastructure.
The ALCF’s testbed of AI accelerators is enabling the research community to advance the use of AI for data-intensive science.
Theta’s retirement marks the end of a productive run of enabling groundbreaking research across diverse fields, including materials discovery, supernova simulations, and AI for science.